Employment » Crafts » CNC旋盤加工エンジニア - 総合精密部品メーカー
こんにちは!世界最強の「相合」精密部品メーカーで働きませんか? 私たちは、CNC旋盤のスキルを持つあなたを探しています。
興味をお持ちの方は、ぜひご応募ください! 一緒に世界最強の精密部品メーカーを目指しましょう! 💪
YouTalent® is an online community of talent. If you have a talent, whether it’s singing, dancing, acting, modeling, drawing, or whatever talent it may be and you would like to share it with the world or to network with other talented individuals, then you've came to the right place.
We provide you with tools, resources, connections, and networking opportunities to help you develop the talents that you have and take them to the next level.